12. Can I also use my Plug&View camera as a webcam on my web page?

Yes, that is possible. You can embed the camera images as stills or as live-stream.

For the embedding of images from DN-16028, please use the following parameters:

Image: http://IP address of the camera:Port/snapshot.cgi

Stream: http://IP address of the camera:Port/Videostream.cgi

For DN-16027(Rev1), DN-16036(Rev1), DN-16037(Rev1) und DN-16040(Rev1), please use the following parameters:

Image: http://IP address of camera:Port/cgi-bin/net jpeg.cgi?ch=0

Stream: rtsp://IP Address of camera:Port/ch0.h264

For the Rev2 versions of DN-16029, DN-16036, DN-16038, DN-16039, DN-16040, DN-16043, DN-16044 and DN-16046 please use the following parameters:

(If you have a Rev1 or REV2 camera model, you can check this by looking the product label on the back of the camera model. If there is a Rev2 on the back, you go the new Version. Is the field empty, then you have a camera Rev1)

Main Stream:            rtsp://IP Adresse Kamera:554/11

Secondary Stream:    rtsp://IP Adresse Kamera:554/12

Mobile Stream          rtsp://:IP Adresse Kamera554/13


Tap the frames

Image Pfath:

http://IP Adresse Kamera:PORT/web/cgi-bin/hi3510/snap.cgi?&-getpic